The Rogue Writers Journal
After a couple of years of production exclusively via paper, nine writers have assembled online to observe, critique, analyze, imagine, stew, stir, and spew their way through the post-industrial-pre-collapse age.
Read onwards to explore our nine columns. We have new content every week. You can also sign up for our substack to have a weekly column delivered on a silver platter to your email’s inbox.
Dust On My Boots: Well worn boots tramp down from the mountain to wipe their soles on the age of modernity.
Sacred Roots: A deep dive into ethnobotany and entheogens. Heroic and wizard dosages only.
Arachnid Archives: A steamy teapot full of extraterrestrial, terroidal imagination experimentia.
Bookstore Creep: When the walls of bookstores talk, we read.
Peinando Plumas (Brushing Feathers): Tail feathers falling on to the cannabis workers in North America.
Underground Farmer: A handful of dirt from underground farmers & mycologists.
The New Italian Weird: A fringe immersion into contemporary Italian literature.
Passing Through: Modern cult communities observed through the eyes of a passer-by.
The Mad Erosophical Sage: The best broth comes from wisdom teeth.
Dust On My Boots Part 5: They’ll Have To Pry It Outta My Cold Dead Hand
"While everyone got dragged, NO, went flying like robotic moths to an electric flame into the 21st century and the disgusting cyber-hell it brought, I drew a hard-line at my land-line telephone. That was it, no further… "
Passing Through: Heroin & State Rehab Pt. 1
An exploration of homelessness and addiction in the early 2000’s written in travelogue style.
Bookstore Creep: Free Association
"As I speak, I realize a few things. First of all, I realize that the birth of so many new histories may be the exact reason why the act of summary is so strenuous."
Arachnid Archives: Chapter III
Cleo knows they dream of places their DNA remembers from prior generations. Imprints left behind in mitochondrial codes and enzymiatic envelopes for protein architectures that generate subconscious metaphors they are continuously learning to decipher.
Dust On My Boots - Part 4: Babylon Burnin’ by Nazel Pickens
Everything went dark. I don’t know for how long, but when my eyes opened I was on my back in the street surrounded by a mob of masked people dressed head-to-toe in black.
My Birth - Brushing Feathers
Where do the children who never saw the light go? Maybe they live in that parallel world. Maybe they are allright there and don't want us to steal their friends, our amnesias.
Mi Nacimiento - Peinando Plumas
¿A dónde van lxs niñxs que nunca vieron la luz? Quizás vivan con nuestros olvidos. Alomejor están bien ahí y no quieren que les robemos a sus amigos, los olvidos.
Grounded in Gerlach
The gang gets stranded in the outer reaches of the Burning Man galaxy, spending their time busking for bolts, mining asteroid belts for axle grease, and hitching rides with highway sailboats to visit wrecking yards and watch BRC burn from a distance.
Bookstore Creep: Alien Daughters from Word Virus
I left the extremely personal and magical way of writing behind at some point, but I remember it.
Roadkill Bender: 1
A selection from an upcoming novel, "Roadkill Bender". This section finds Shitbird and Piere grappling with their collective death wish.
Peinando Plumas: Dama de la Noche
Hoy quiero contar cómo la vida me ofreció una de sus repeticiones. Esta vez en forma de amistad y en la West Coast de los Estados Unidos, Oregon. Y cómo de allí brotó una flor de Dama de la Noche, que aunque la flor no se vea, su aroma hace del camino nocturno, un paseo más dulce.
Brushing Feathers: Queen Of The Night
Today I want to tell how life offered me one of its repetitions. This time in the form of friendship and on the West Coast of the United States, Oregon. And how from there sprouted a Queen of the Night flower, that although the flower is not seen, its aroma makes the night walk, a sweeter walk.
Wolves Within (A Mythic Remembrance of a Holocaust Sexworker)
Chapter 1: The Bergemeister's hand dripped blood onto the wooden chest…