The Rogue Writers Journal
After a couple of years of production exclusively via paper, nine writers have assembled online to observe, critique, analyze, imagine, stew, stir, and spew their way through the post-industrial-pre-collapse age.
Read onwards to explore our nine columns. We have new content every week. You can also sign up for our substack to have a weekly column delivered on a silver platter to your email’s inbox.
Dust On My Boots: Well worn boots tramp down from the mountain to wipe their soles on the age of modernity.
Sacred Roots: A deep dive into ethnobotany and entheogens. Heroic and wizard dosages only.
Arachnid Archives: A steamy teapot full of extraterrestrial, terroidal imagination experimentia.
Bookstore Creep: When the walls of bookstores talk, we read.
Peinando Plumas (Brushing Feathers): Tail feathers falling on to the cannabis workers in North America.
Underground Farmer: A handful of dirt from underground farmers & mycologists.
The New Italian Weird: A fringe immersion into contemporary Italian literature.
Passing Through: Modern cult communities observed through the eyes of a passer-by.
The Mad Erosophical Sage: The best broth comes from wisdom teeth.
Tales from the summer :IV: Albaniatek
As in to say, is the party larger than the sum of its parts?
Tales from the summer :III: Much Ado About Wooks
sweaty abyss of human cesspit blooms forth—
Tales from the summer :II: A Renegade World vs a ‘Happy’ Dicktatorship
what is wrong with Burning Man is us, the people that compose this microsociety.